Importance of glucose monitoring

Good to know that you question the usefulness of monitoring your glucose levels. We rather know, and try to help you.
Sometimes it may feel as if the monitoring of your glucose is not helping you at all. If you feel that monitoring is not helping you, it is good to discuss with your health care professional. Your health care professional can help in explaining why monitoring of your glucose is helpful in YOUR specific situation.
In more general terms, monitoring of glucose is important to understand what medication is doing for you. Your HbA1c value gives a very general idea of it, but specific glucose measurements give your health care professional much more information about how the medication works for you.
Without these glucose measurements, a health care professional would just have to ‘’guess’’ that your average HbA1c gives a good enough indication of how medication works. Most people with diabetes will feel whenever they have low blood sugar, but they often don’t usually feel their (slightly) higher blood sugar. That means that your body usually only ‘’tells’’ you half of the things that are important to know, and that you (or the health care professional) cannot only trust your feelings with regard to your blood sugar. Knowing these ‘’higher’’ blood sugar is not only important in preventing long term diabetes complications, but also in making you feel more optimal in the short term! If monitoring your glucose would reveal higher blood sugar, it would be possible to try to prevent them/adjust them, to make you feel even more energetic and positive.
Often people will only know ‘’how bad they have felt’’, once they experience that they can feel much better. That is what mon