Hypoglycemia Troubles

Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia)

Hypoglycemia is caused by abnormally low blood sugar levels (i.e. lower than 70mg/dl). Hypoglycemia can also happen as a reaction to insulin or insulin shock.

The symptoms are important to detect that you have hypoglycemia, but every person may react in different ways. Be aware of your individual symptoms to low blood glucose levels. To ensure you have hypoglycemia you have to measure your blood glucose level. If you cannot do it for any reason, but you suspect you have it then you should follow treatment for hypoglycemia.

Severe hypoglycemia can cause accidents, injuries, coma and even death.

Some common symptoms of hypoglycemia are: shakiness, nervousness or anxiety, sweating, chills and clamminess, irritability or impatience, confusion, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, hunger and nausea, sleepiness, blurred vision, tingling or numbness in the lips or tongue, headaches, weakness or fatigue, anger or sadness, lack of coordination, nightmares or crying out during sleep, seizures, or unconsciousness.

Find more information about hypoglycemia here.